Asterids are the largest group of flowering plants, with more than 80,000 species, about a third of the total flowering plant species.
We have more Asterids on the Carnations, Asters and Knotweeds page.
Carrot Family
Conium maculatum.
Hemlock is a tall, poisonous plant with hollow stems and fern-like leaves. It has a strong, musty odour when crushed. The flowers are tiny, white, and arranged in small, umbrella-shaped clusters.
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Cow Parsley
Anthriscus sylvestris
Cow Parsley is a delicate plant with white flowers that grow in fields. It has feathery leaves and tall stems. But be cautious, as its sap can cause a skin rash called Cow Parsley Dermatitis if touched. Enjoy its beauty from a distance and avoid touching it!
Apium nodiflorum
Fool’s-water-cress, also known as marshwort or poor man’s watercress, is a flowering plant that closely resembles true watercress.
While it may look like watercress, fool’s-watercress is not edible and can be harmful if consumed. The easiest way to distinguish between the two is by smell.
Common Hogweed
Heracleum sphondylium.
Common hogweed is a biennial plant that can grow up to 2 meters tall. It has a hollow, ridged stem with bristly hairs, and large leaves that are once or twice pinnate, hairy and serrated. The flowers are pinkish or white, arranged in umbels usually less than 30 cm in diameter with 15 to 30 rays.
Mint and Nettle Families
White Dead-nettle
Lamium album.
A square stem, white flowers, and heart-shaped leaves with serrated edges.
Causes a mild sting in the upper side of the leaf is touched.
Hedge Woundwort
Stachys sylvatica.
Hedge Woundwort, also known as Hedge Nettle, is a perennial plant that grows to 80 cm tall.
It has hairy stems that bear whorls of ‘hooded’, magenta-pink flowers with white markings. Its hairy leaves are dark green, heart-shaped and toothed. The plant has a distinctive unpleasant smell when crushed, and although similar in looks to a nettle, it does not sting.
Lycopus europaeus.
Gipsywort is a mint-like perennial found in damp ground beside the lake. It has white flowers in a ring around the stem. Deeply toothed leaf.
Scutellaria galericulata.
The skullcap flower is a small, white or pale blue flower that grows in clusters on a tall, slender stalk. The flowers have a distinctive skullcap-like shape, with five petals that are fused together at the base
Prunella vulgaris.
Selfheal is a herbaceous plant with a square stem, small lanceolate leaves, and purple or blue flowers arranged in a terminal spike.
Water Mint
Mentha aquatica.
Water mint has square stems and opposite, aromatic leaves. The leaves are green on top and paler green underneath. The flowers are small and pale purple, pink, or white.
Lemon Balm
Melissa officinalis.
Lemon balm is a bushy herb with lemon-scented leaves. It grows to about 2 feet tall and has square stems. The leaves are oval or heart-shaped and have a wrinkled surface.
Figwort & Nightshade Families
Black Nightshade
Solanum nigrum.
Black nightshade has dark green leaves, white flowers, and black berries. Common in the South, but less common in the East Midlands.
Solanum dulcamara.
Bittersweet (also known as Woody Nightshade) is a perennial climbing vine that can grow up to 3 meters tall. It has purple and yellow flowers that bloom from May to September, and bright red berries that ripen in the fall. The plant is poisonous, containing the toxin solanine.
Veronica beccabunga.
Brooklime is a fast-growing species that produces glossy green trailing foliage and tiny blue flowers all summer long. The waxy leaves are evergreen and last through into the winter, surviving frosts and ice and making it one of the few native plants to give winter interest to ponds.
Water Figwort
Scrophularia auriculata.
Water figwort is a tall, square-stemmed wildflower with maroon flowers that thrives in wet areas and attracts bees and butterflies.
Digitalis purpurea.
Foxglove is a biennial or perennial flowering plant. It has tall spires of tubular flowers in shades of pink, purple, or white. Foxglove is found in woodland areas and gardens. While it is poisonous if ingested, it contains compounds used in medicine to treat heart conditions.
Germander Speedwell
Veronica scutellata.
Blue-purple flowers with white centres and leaves rounded with toothed margins.
Heath Bedstraw
Galium saxatile.
Heath Bedstraw is a low-growing perennial plant with square stems and whorls of 6-8 sharp, forward-facing leaves. It has small, white four-petaled flowers that give off a sickly smell.
Lady’s Bedstraw
Galium verum.
Lady’s Bedstraw (Galium verum), also known as yellow bedstraw, is a herbaceous perennial plant with slender, hairy stems that bear clusters of frothy, fragrant, yellow flowers.
Galium aparine.
Also known as Sticky Weed or Goosegrass. It is considered a nuisance weed because it can quickly spread and choke out desirable plants.
Goosegrass flowers are small, white, and star-shaped. They have four petals and are clustered in groups of two or three.
Campanula rotundifolia.
Bellflower Family.
Harebell is a delicate, bell-shaped wildflower with blue, purple, or white petals. Harebell flowers from July to September.
The plant is also known as Scottish Bluebell, Lady’s Thimble, and Witch’s Bells.
Green Alkanet
Pentaglottis sempervirens.
Borage Family.
Green alkanet is a perennial herbaceous plant. The plant produces clusters of funnel-shaped flowers that are typically bright blue but can also be purple or pink, like forget-me-nots
Hedge Bindweed
Calystegia sepium.
Bindweed family.
Hedge bindweed is a perennial herbaceous vine that can grow up to 4 meters long. It has smooth, light green stems that twine around other plants for support. The leaves are alternate, triangular, and have deeply lobed bases. The flowers are white or pink trumpets that bloom from late spring to early summer. Hedge bindweed is a common weed in many parts of the world and can be difficult to control.
Photographs used on these Wildflower pages were taken in Wollaton Park and are reproduced with the original artist’s permission.
Credits: Colin Robbins, Gila Taylor, Chris Golightly, Kiyoko Naish, Michael Hayes, Unni Williams, Kyle Heesom, Wendy Martin.
Copyright © for each picture remains with the original artist, who is duly acknowledged and credited for each image.