In 2023, twenty-six volunteers, including Friends of Wollaton Park members, attended more than one Wednesday gardening session, contributing over 1200 volunteer hours.
The Old Rose Garden
Read more: The Old Rose GardenThere are old photographs of the formal garden showing an area to the side of the Camellia house full of roses. As the trees grew the area became unsuitable for roses, and the plants slowly deteriorated and most were removed many years ago. Friends of Wollaton Park planted the box hedges several years ago, and…
Spring Planting
Read more: Spring PlantingSpringtime saw the team planting several new plants in the Long Border, old Rose Garden and Rockery. The Aubrieta were for the new rockery created in the Winter.
Read more: YuccaIn spring, we tidied up the Yucca’s, removing the dead leaves. This should create more light and air within the plant, promoting new, healthy growth.
Balustrade Tidying
Read more: Balustrade TidyingToday the volunteer group cleared the ivy and brambles overgrowing the Balustrade. Before and After pictures…
Path Clearance
Read more: Path ClearanceClearing the path behind the Camellia House
Transplanting Hawthorns
Read more: Transplanting HawthornsOver 100 self-set Hawthorns were transplanted from Digby Avenue into Formal Garden, to make a hedge to keep the deer out.
Creating a new Flower Bed, by the Rockery
Read more: Creating a new Flower Bed, by the RockeryPreviously, an untidy and overgrown area.
Long Border Clearance
Read more: Long Border ClearanceClearing some overgrown Dogwood and Bamboo. Plus some daffodils were planted.
Path Tidying
Read more: Path TidyingTidying the path edges, and planting Daffodils. Also, trying to tidy up after the lawn was visited by badgers.
Dry Summer
Read more: Dry SummerWith the long dry summer, plenty of watering was needed.
Planting the Borders
Read more: Planting the BordersGetting ready for summer…
Rose Garden
Read more: Rose GardenTidying the Rose Garden. There are no roses there now, as the overgrowth of the Cedar trees meant they did not grow well. Now planted as a wildflower garden.