
Summer Volunteer Sessions

Work alongside the park rangers to help improve Wollaton Hall and Park, by helping out with the following tasks.

Conservation Blog News

Dead Hedge

A part of Digby Woods is used by the park staff as a compost pile, collecting brash from around the park as part of general maintenance. Once fully rotted, the compost is used in places such as the Long Border in the Formal Garden and the Walled Garden. To prevent the compost pile from spreading […]

Formal Garden Blog News

Many Hands…

A fantastic turnout for this Wednesday’s gardening session, with over 40 volunteers to prepare the formal flower beds for the summer. The regular volunteers were joined by corporate teams from Experian, Capital One and Freeths. Tasks included clearing the winter bedding plants, ready for summer bedding, preparing the flower beds, and starting the summer planting […]


“We couldn’t believe the fun we had for free at Wollaton Hall”

Read the Nottingham Post Article on Wollaton Park: With the cost of living on the rise, many people are looking for great ways to entertain their kids without breaking the bank – and one Nottingham venue seems to be offering just that. Wollaton Halland Deer Park attracts visitors from not only across Nottingham – but the […]


Green Blobs

Have you seen the green, pebble-like blobs in the lake? Kitty, a Volunteer Park Ranger describes it as “Ophrydium versatile”, a colonial freshwater organism. To form the balls they group together and live in symbiotic association with “chlorella” (green algae), where they both benefit from the interaction. The algae photosynthesise and share some of the […]


Wollaton Arts Festival

The Wollaton Arts Festival comes to Wollaton Park on Sunday, July 9th. See the Wollaton Arts Festival website for more details.