Conservation Blog

Tree Guard Removal

The Deer in Wollaton Park are herbivores and eat most things. This includes tree saplings. When new trees are planted, they are often protected from the Deer by wire guards. As the trees mature, the guards need to be removed.

Conservation Blog Formal Garden Blog

Transplanting Hawthorns

Over 100 self-set Hawthorns were transplanted from Digby Avenue into Formal Garden, to make a hedge to keep the deer out.

Conservation Blog

Chestnut Fencing Repairs

On Saturday 19th November, 10 hardy volunteers repaired large sections of chestnut fencing in the Cambridge Road field. Also hundreds of daffodils were planted around the memorial benches ready for spring.

Conservation Blog

Daffodil Planting

In 2021/2022 over 5000 daffodils were planted in the park.

Conservation Blog

Chestnut Fencing

This Saturday’s volunteering task was to repair the chestnut fencing in the field by Cambridge road.

Conservation Blog

Wood Carving Preservation

Painting the wood carvings with preservatives.