
They’re not Rudolph, they don’t like carrots

New research from University College Dublin reveals that feeding deer is causing serious health and behavioural issues for these beautiful animals.

New research from University College Dublin reveals that feeding deer is causing serious health and behavioural issues for these beautiful animals.

Key findings show:

  • Health Problems: Deer are developing digestive issues and even testing positive for human viruses like Omicron.
  • Behavioural Changes: Feeding disrupts their natural habits, causing stress and danger for both deer and park visitors.
  • Physical Impact: Stags are growing weaker antlers and does are birthing larger fawns, posing risks for their health.


  • Keep Your Distance: Stay at least 50 metres away from the deer.
  • No Feeding: Even foods like apples and carrots are harmful.

Our smartphones have amazing zoom cameras – use them to capture these majestic creatures from a safe distance!

Read more:…/0618/1455251-deer-feeding-issues/

Source: British Deer Society