Wollaton Park opened at 4:30 m on Sunday May 7th, for the RSPB International Dawn Chorus Day
A sample of the sounds (credit Colin Robbins):
Local resident Wendy McDonald reported hearing the following birds – all before breakfast in the cafe at 7am.
- Blackbird
- Tawny owl
- Robin
- Great tit
- Blue tit
- Wren
- Wood pigeon
- Starling
- Chiffchaff
- Rose-ringed parakeet
- Canada goose
- Heron
- Mallard
- Coot
- Moorhen
- Mandarin duck
- Egyptian goose
- Jackdaw
- Graylag goose
- Blackcap
- Carrion crow
- Magpie
- Jay
- Common reed warbler
- Green woodpecker
- Collard dove
- Goldcrest
- Treecreeper
- Coal tit
- Magpie
- Jay
- Starling
- Goldfinch
- House Martin

Many thanks to the Park staff for rising early to open up to give us this great experience.